Other Works

88DB Pte Ltd (Internship: Web Design)
Brief summary of what the company does: Media advertising for clients online from various channels such as pets, food, learning and education. Clients can either request for a simple ad page or a website that is designed from scratch to cater to their business.

Main company website

Here are some of the web sites that I helped out with during my internship period in the company.

1) Pet N U

2) Moo Moo Pets

3) House of Tranquillity

4) Loctor

5) Proficient Movers

Zero Artwork
Done using: Adobe Photoshop CS4

Concept behind the artwork
Basically I did this in my spare time, and since I was a big fan of the megaman series, especially both the main characters X and Zero. I basically applied what I had learnt in polytechnic, character design module, using tools like smudging, dodging and burning to aid me in my composition, I also tried to reference from the older picture of Zero(which has a lighter red colour scheme), deciding how to apply the overlay layer to test out my knowledge of merging two shades of tones together smoothly.